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Natasha and Rasmus
are looking for new colleagues…

“We are a highly innovative and specialized company with worldleading technology for optimizing servers and accelerating networking and cybersecurity applications. We always push the boundaries of tomorrow.”

Natasha Christophersen
FPGA Development Engineer, Denmark

“Beginning at Napatech as a graduate from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) I have learned a lot from our skilled and experienced R&D team. What makes this a great place to be is the teamwork and competent co-workers who motivate you to do your best.”

Rasmus Lund Hansen
FPGA Development Engineer, Denmark

Open positions

Join a dynamic and motivating environment where daily life is characterized by varied activities and lots of interesting challenges.

Apply unsolicited

We are always looking for talented and ambitious people to join the Napatech team! Send us your CV.