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Napatech CEO to Speak About Data Center Growth Opportunities at ABG Investor Conference

Press Release

COPENHAGEN, Denmark – May 19, 2022 – Napatech announced today that CEO, Ray Smets, will present Napatech’s business goals and vision at the ABG Investor Conference on Tuesday, May 24th. The Conference will be livestreamed at

Napatech CEO will speak to the Napatech business and vision along with data center growth opportunities, further positioning Napatech as a forward-thinking resource for investors, customers, and partners.

The Investor Days seminar is a quarterly seminar that provides an opportunity for investors to learn more about some of the companies covered by ABG Sundal Collier via sponsored research. The confirmed companies attending will have a chance to present its business and visions. Following the presentations, a short Q&A will begin, moderated by an ABGSC analyst.

When: Tuesday, May 24th, 2022
Where: Livestream here:
Contact: To schedule a briefing, contact Shannon Van Every at: 408-313-9974 or email: